This job has it's ups and downs.
For example, today a friend and fellow photoj student
John Schreiber had to cover the
Kahler Funeral. The former director of Columbia Water & Light murdered his wife and two daughters in Kansas. Funerals can be a very difficult thing to shoot, and the situation surrounding John's ability to get access made it even worse. To top it off, he was publicly called a "Heartless son-of-a-bitch" and that, basically, he was on the express train to hell.
Definitely a down.
But for every instance of downs, you get rewarded by meeting some very amazing people. That is why I love this job. I get to explore the community and the people in it. Today, while on an assignment for
VOX magazine, I met Hamp Ford. A medical malpractice defense lawyer and, more interstingly, Gypsy Horse enthusiast. Hamp and his wife invited me into their stable and were so proud of their beloved hobby - a family, and more, of Gypsy Horses.
Definitely worth it.

Photo © Jason Lenhart