Welcome to my personal photo blog. It started out with photographs from my Advanced Techniques class at the University of Missouri, but has migrated to a medium with which I share the pictures from my everyday life.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
1 Day Story, Revisited
Last week I sat down with my Picture Story professor and did a reedit of my 1 day story. We both agreed I had shot better than my original submission had indicated. This second edit is a little more conceptual (maybe?) than it is literal. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about the story presentation, but that just reiterates the point I made when I first posted this story - I over shot and wasn't focused enough. I would appreciate any and all feedback on this edit compared to my first edit.
I like this one a ton better, but miss the picture of them doing a hands in (or whatever its called). The disco ball picture and the detail chile is mysterious at first and then you get the story. :)
I like this one a ton better, but miss the picture of them doing a hands in (or whatever its called). The disco ball picture and the detail chile is mysterious at first and then you get the story. :)
Thanks Sarah - yea, I miss it too, but you know how those puppies have to meet their demise eventually.
I agree with Sarah. This set is mo' betta'
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